Saturday, March 9, 2024

Quilting Retreat Report

Last weekend, I sewed for three days straight at the semi-annual Oxford Quilter's Guild retreat.  Early in the pandemic, I cut up many of my scraps into 2.5" squares and put them into piles by colour into a plastic shoebox.  I challenged myself to make quilts using these squares to use them up.  I have made several quilts with these squares but still had lots left.  I brought them and some gray and white print yardage with me to the retreat.  I had designed this quilt in my head and put all the nine patches together at the retreat. It measures 44.5 by 44.5"--a great size for a fun baby quilt.  Unfortunately, (or fortunately, depending on how you look at it) I still have lots of squares left.  There will be more quilts made with these squares sometime in the future.  The colours are random and I like how it sparkles.  I have a quilting plan and hope to quilt this one soon.  The backing is in my stash so I am ready to go. 

As an outreach project, the Oxford Guild is making pillowcases for Indwell, a charity with provides supportive housing for homeless and people at risk of homelessness in our community.  Everyone in the guild was asked to make 3-4 pillowcases each and I made two at the retreat.  I have already made one and have the fabric ready to make a fourth one this week. 

Next, I pin basted two quilts--I had the use of two tables at the retreat to do this --much easier on the back and knees than basting on the floor at home.  One quilt was quilted at the retreat with my walking foot.  I have picked out some green solid fabric for the binding and will be adding that soon. 

I have been admiring this Film in the Fridge free pattern for a while and decided to give it a try with a jelly roll that was given to me.  I added some solids from my stash to make this quilt top. The online pattern uses 3" strips for the blocks--so I scaled it down so I could use the jelly roll.  I did some Quilty math to maximize my use of the strips so each piece in the block is 3.5 by 2.5".  This top is now in the "to be quilted" pile. 

I purchased a kit from Gotham Quilts (based in NYC) to make a sewing bag at QuiltCon.  I read through the instructions, cut out the pieces, and applied iron on interfacing at the retreat.  I am now ready to sew it together.  I love the fun NYC prints!

This was posted on the door to the room where we were sewing at the retreat!

The food was delicious.  Lunch one day featured Italian Wedding Soup and gourmet sandwiches.  

When I got tired of machine sewing, I pulled out my counted cross stitch project.  I managed to finish this one this week and will have it framed soon. 

You may remember that I was not quite finished my sunflowers when I started the above winter stitching.  I am back to working on the sunflowers now.  Here is where I left off and where I am now. 

We went to pick up Finn earlier this week for his annual stay with us while our daughter is busy at work. I took a picture of my daughter's murder mystery cross stitch while we were there. 

People who go to the retreat donate door prizes and then everyone gets something to take home.  I won this fun puzzle. 

Spring is in the air at my house.  I bought these bunny tea towels in Raleigh. 

Like many other places, spring has come way too early to our area and my primroses are in bloom.  This is very concerning!

I will link up with Kathy in the morning for Slow Sunday Stitching and with the Rainbow Scrap challenge folks as well. The colour for March is purple.  There are lots of purple squares in my scrappy 9 patch quilt at the beginning of this post. 


  1. I think a lot of us have spring early this year and while I enjoy it now I wonder what the middle of the summer will be like - way too hot, too wet? whatever I guess we will live with it. I have boxes of squares too - when I will I get busy and use them - I have no idea!

  2. I love your scrappy nine patches quilt, Gail! That is a really fun design with the way you alternated the sections of gray background and white background. Hooray for a finish on your rainbow stars, too - they're beautiful! Have fun with Finn and getting back to the sunflower cross-stitch project, too!

  3. Looks like you had a great time at your sewing retreat, with lots done. I like the way you have arranged the lights and darks as borders. Call me strange, but I don't enjoy working with little squares, I'm sewing a few blocks for RSC but only to get rid of them.

  4. It sounds like the Quilt retreat was a delight to attend. I love your scrappy nine patch. So many fun and fabulous fabrics in it. Ooooh and the Film in the Fridge quilt is looking great . Thank you so much for sharing the link. Have a wonderful day working on your lovely projects. Hugs.

  5. Wow! Lots of retreat accomplishments! The scrappy quilt does sparkle. The star quilt with scrappy centers and solid points is striking. I like how you walking foot quilted it. Certainly Finn is enjoying his stay at his second home.

  6. What an amazing group of retreat projects finished, or near finished! I have one coming up 3 days before Easter. I need to get my projects together. Finn is his usual adorable self, love that face!

  7. Wow! You have been so productive!

  8. it sounds like you had a great time at your retreat and you achieved so much with some super finishes.

  9. My goodness you were so productive at retreat! Wowwweee!
    I spend too much time lollygagging and dillydallying!
    I love your winter cross stitch! And your new puzzle is fabulous!

  10. You've got a lot done at the retreat! Love your scrappy nine patch quilt top and your other quilts too, as well as your cross stitching projects, all so pretty. Spring has sprung your side. This side of the globe we're waiting for cooler days.

  11. I love your nine patch quilt. What a great way to use up scraps. Your star quilt is beautiful also. It looks like your daughter is almost done with her cross-stitch. Your sunflowers look close to a finish also. I really like the piece that you finished recently. All of your projects are so pretty. Enjoy the Spring weather. We definitely do not have it here. The wind is whipping around our house like crazy giving us quite a wind chill while the temps are in the 40s.

  12. Oh what a great catch up with all your scrappy projects. You really know how to get a lot done on retreat. I really like the colors in your film in the fridge and those NYC prints are a hoot. Especially the pizza rat.
    I saw your finished cross stich on FB its lovely as are your primroses.
