Saturday, June 22, 2024

An Excellent Week

I have had an excellent week, filled with fun activities and lots of stitching time so there is lots to blog about today. As you know, I like to cross stitch in the car.  This week, I finished off the light purple lupin on the right side of my cross stitch project and now I am working on the lighter green coloured leaves at the bottom.  There are also a few more pink stitches to add, but I will soon be doing the outlining stitches. 

A friend has a new granddaughter and, of course, I made baby E a quilt.  Her parents sent me this picture along with their thank you note. Such chubby cheeks!  So cute.

Earlier this week, I noticed a Facebook post by Nancy at the Secret Life of Squirrels.  Nancy is a retired teacher turned squirrel photographer and children's book author.  Several years ago, I offered to send a mini quilt I had made to her for one of her squirrel photos.  She used the little quilt in a scene with a sewing machine that she made out of modelling clay and then returned the quilt to me.  The next year, that photo was included in the calendar that she made.  This week, her FB post was about a new puzzle by Cobblehill Puzzles that features nine of her photographs, including the one with my little quilt in it! How exciting!  I went into my quilt storage area and pulled out the little quilt to show my husband.  I ordered a puzzle at a local store and will take my quilt in to show them when I pick it up. 

I made this little quilt at a miniature quilt making class over 10 years ago with Kathy W. who hosts the weekly Slow Sunday Stitching link up on her blog.  It was made with scraps from another quilter at the workshop. Each HST is 3/4" --the quilt is 6.5" square. 

Our shamrock bloomed this week.  This plant once belonged to my husband's Great Aunt.  When she died in 1977,  his parents took the plant home and it bloomed happily on their back deck for many years.  His mom gave it to us a few years ago and we shared a piece of it with my SIL.  It makes me happy to see this plant come back to life every spring after spending the winter dormant in our basement. The flowers are very tiny--my picture is taken very close up so it looks much bigger than it is. 

Finn has been a hot dog this week!  He still likes going outside though. The heat wave has broken where he lives and he is looking forward to finally being able to go for a walk today. 

I worked on my hand quilting project for a few hours this week and it is coming along. Lots more to do but I am enjoying every stitch!  The pattern is called Put a Ring on it by Latifah Saffir

A friend retired recently and hosted friends and family for a celebratory dinner this past Thursday.  I made her a Sew Together bag.  She told me she is hoping to have more time to sew now. The outside fabric is the same as the one I made for Christine for her birthday but the lining and pocket fabrics are different.

I bought the cute little measuring tape tag at QuiltCon at the Sarah Hearts booth a few years ago.  I wish I had added one to my bag too but forgot that I had them until this week.  The wool piece is a needle landing. 

The garden is exploding with colourful flowers this week. All that rain and hot weather has helped! This first flowers is called Veronica.

Shasta Daisies


One last bit of good news--I heard that Quilts for Survivors far exceeded their goal of 1000 blocks donated at Quilt Canada!  I was very happy to participate in this very worthwhile and meaningful project.  I will link up with Kathy and Frederique as usual.  Thanks for stopping by.  I love to read your comments. 


  1. What an wonderful blog post. Lupines is looking great. How exciting to have your quilt made into a puzzle. That baby quilt is so pretty and the baby is adorable. Your flowers are great. I have to look into getting some coreopsis. They are pretty. I hope the weather stays cool for Finn. Enjoy all of your stitching.

  2. You have had a great week Gail! Very exciting to have your tiny quilt added to the puzzle. Your friend must have been delighted with her retirement present, hopefully she finds time to sew. I know you and america have been suffering some very high temperature but glad it has broken now and Finn can go out again. Have a great week. Sarah quiltingbytthesea.

  3. A blog post overflowing with fabric and flowery loveliness. Those blue Veronicas are gorgeous. How sweet is baby E snuggled under your pretty quilt So exciting your quilt is included in the author's puzzle. A photo please of the quilt and the puzzle together when the puzzle arrives. =) The little bag is wonderful and so expertly sewn. Your hand quilting on Put A Ring On It is coming along beautifully; and, I love your pretty cross stitch lupins.

  4. Congrats! That is exciting to have your quilt in the calendar!

  5. From pretty header to Coreopsis, what a wonderful post! Loved every bit and very excited to hear about your quilt being used in a cute photo that made it to a Cobble Hill puzzle...I'm just finishing one of theirs called Evening Glow. Happy Stitching from me!

  6. So many fun things in your post, Gail! The lupine are looking prettier every week! That's a fun story about your mini quilt, the squirrel lady, and the puzzle, too. I looked her up on Facebook - she has some wonderful photos. I love seeing more and more flowers blooming - yours are beautiful! Have a great week!

  7. Love the story of the squirrel quilt and how it has been made into the puzzle. Those photos are adorable. What staging she must do to attract these creatures. Your flower photos are so lovely. And the details and colors of your Go Together bag are awesome!

  8. Great blog post. I also love the story about the squirrel quilt. Your flowers are gorgeous. Finn and I have been hot this week! We have had 100 degree weather. I'm looking forward to the 90 degree weather this next week! Happy stitching!

  9. What a fun way to share a quilt and then to have it end up in a puzzle! Lovely flower photos!--TerryK@OnGoingProjects

  10. This post is filled with loads of cuteness starting with Baby E . Your lupines are looking fabulous and your quilting on Put A Ring On It is gorgeous. Have a wonderful week and Happy quilting.

  11. Lots happening this week, plenty to read about. Baby quilts for a special little someone are always a delight to make. Your lupine are coming along well and hello to handsome Finn.

  12. What a beautiful post!!! Congratulations on making it on a puzzle!!! Lol! That is one tiny quilt, for sure, and should be honored in a puzzle. Your hand quilting is really coming along. Glad some of your heat has broken. It's still way too hot here. Finn would still be a hot dog but he could join by the water dish.

  13. what an inspiring post! beautiful stitchery. How sweet is that baby?!
    Your Sew Together bag is absolutely beautiful and so neatly done!
    Great fabrics.
    Your Hand Quilting looks fabulous and I love that color scheme.
    what a fun puzzle.
    Lovely flowers and pet that cute Finn for me.

  14. How fun to have your cute mini quilt in a puzzle! Love that sewing squirrel ;) Pretty new bag, full of handy pockets. Enjoy your blooming garden!
