Saturday, September 7, 2024

Placemats for Meals on Wheels

 Once again, the Oxford Quilt Guild is making placemats for Meals on Wheels recipients for distribution at Christmas.  They are due at our December meeting but I decided to get going on mine right away and get them done!  I dug into my fabric stash to see what I had--so many possibilities!  We are to make one side Wintery and the other side to be used for the rest of the year. So far, I have put together and quilted six placemats--the binding will go on this week. 

I found a few orphan blocks that I can use to make some more placemats before the deadline.  These are great projects using larger prints as well as leftover batting --I piece it using a zigzag stitch. 

On Wednesday night, I went as a guest to the Ancaster Modern Guild meeting.  The speaker was Christine of Tesselate Textiles.  Christine and I each made a quilt using her Whistlestop pattern a couple of years ago. I brought my quilt along to the meeting to show Christine and for a photo op!

I made great progress on my cross stitch project--I am almost finished this quarter of picture.  I will add more stitches to the top picture tomorrow for slow Sunday stitching. 

Finn loves to get comfy on top of all of the pillows on the couch. 

My daughter reorganized her bookshelves this week and Finn helped by keeping the piles in place. 

The cream coloured crochet blanket has 9/42 rows done now.  

My husband and I went on a couple of hikes this week--one on our own at Pinery Provincial Park where we saw this interesting plant.  It is a Strawberry bush.  It has very interesting seed pods.  

A view from one of the trails at the Pinery. 

The next day, we hiked with the Elgin Hiking club and I saw an interesting bug -- this is a spotted cucumber beetle.  Amazing what you see when you look closely. 

In my garden, my aster plant produced magenta flowers this week.  On the same plant, there are white and pale pink flowers as well. 

Have a great week.  I will link up with Kathy and Frederique, as usual. 


  1. Lovely placemats, your fabrics are fun, these are going to be pretty gifts. Bravo for the Show and Tell at the meeting, great photo! Finn is a real great helper ;)) Enjoy your weekend, and thank you for sharing!

  2. The cheery quilted placemats are a thoughtful project. Your contribution will be done and less stress for you come time they are due. Years ago we visited the Pinery. So pretty along the shores of Lake Huron.

  3. Those placemats are fun and such cheerful gifts that will be put to good use. Your cross stitch is pretty and the crochet blanket is coming along nicely. Such lovely nature to enjoy along your hikes. Isn't that cucumber beetle a pretty thing resting on the yellow flower. 'Tis nature truly at its best.

  4. The placemats are so pretty. Using orphan blocks is a great idea. Aaah Finn- how cute. Love seeing all of your photos from your recent hike. I have never heard of a Strawberry Bush - how interesting. Enjoy your day. Hugs

  5. Your placemats are so fun, Gail - I love the two sided plan! The cross-stitch design is coming right along, too - so pretty. It looks like Finn always wants to make sure he is in the middle of the action! Have a wonderful Sunday!

  6. Great placemats, and love your cross stitch design. Finn always seems to be the center of the action, and so adorable. Lovely views from your walks. Happy stitching!

  7. Pretty placemats, and how wonderful to get a photo of your quilt with the designer. Finn is such a clever dog, helping out.

  8. Those placemats are so pretty. How nice that you were able to get a photo with the quilt designer. I have been weeding out my books slowly as there are some that I know I will never read again. Finn looks quite content amid the piles. Enjoy your walks.
