Last weekend, I finished piecing 4 Christmas gifts for friends and relatives. I came to the realization on Sunday night that all 4 still needed to be quilted and have the binding put on by Christmas day!!! I put in a few late nights at the sewing machine quilting and sewing the binding on the 4 table runners/table toppers and got up earlier than the rest of my family on Christmas day to hand sew binding on my MIL's. I actually finished hand sewing the binding on one friend's gift in the car on the way to Sarnia on Christmas day. Thankfully, all gifts were completed on time and delivered to the recipients who all seemed pleased with their quilty gifts. Here are a few photos of some of the gifts I made for Christmas this year. One still has not been delivered yet so I will show a photo of it later.

This table topper was made for my cousin who lives in Vancouver, British Columbia. I mailed it to her on the Saturday before Christmas and was told by the post office lady that it would not arrive in time for Christmas...she was wrong!! It arrived on the Tuesday before Christmas. My cousin's 4 year old daughter thought it was just the right size for her doll!!! She was quickly told that it was not a doll quilt!

This table runner was given to a friend at church. If you click on the picture to make it bigger, you can see that the squares and border are snowman fabric. She had come to our quilt guild show in the fall and had admired the quilts so I thought she might like a quilty gift.

The three churn dash blocks in this runner were made from some leftover charm squares that I had after finishing my SIL's Christmas gift (see below...). I gave this runner to a long time friend in Sarnia--it matches the colours in her family room and now graces her coffee table. I like the way the green binding and red sashing really pop on the cream background.

This is my MIL's table topper. It was completed on Christmas morning. She can have this out for the winter as it has snowmen and snow flakes on it.

This table runner has been posted before. It was a gift for my SIL. I think it will look nice on her dining room table.
I love making gifts for people, especially when they are not expecting a gift from me at all.