I can't believe tomorrow is the last day of the year already!!! Where does time go??? It is time to look back over the last 12 months to see what I have accomplished this year with my sewing projects...
January: A Gift for my aunt...
February: I finished a UFO... a wool applique wall hanging. I hand appliqued and hand quilted this one.
March: A baby quilt for my husband's cousin's baby.
I also completed an improvisational piecing project started at a Jacquie Gering workshop in the summer of 2013.
May: I made this purple quilt for the chemo unit at our hospital with some fabric donated to the Elgin Piecemakers along with some of my own fabric.
July: I put together this quilt top for an adult chemo patient at our local hospital. It has been quilted and bound but I don't have a picture of it all done yet.
I also made a scrap vortex quilt in July...Here is the flimsy but I never did post a picture of the completed quilt on my blog.
November: I finished off a baby quilt in waiting.
I also made a table runner for my MIL for Christmas.

And I finished cross stitching the Frank Lloyd Wright "Tree of Life" window.
I made two placemats for Meals on Wheels.
In December, I made a few Christmas gifts... a friendship bag:
A Prairie Point star ornament for my friend, Julie.

I made this hot pad for another friend, Pat.
I still have quite a few workshop UFO's to finish off in 2016. Here's hoping that I will have some time in the sewing room to work on them! The London Friendship Quilters Guild will be having their biannual quilt show this fall so I want to have some quilts done to enter into the show. I need to get sewing!