My husband and I were away for a little over a week recently and I managed to get some more stitches done on my sunflower cross stitch in the car on our way to Colonial Williamsburg, in Virginia. I am not going to be able to finish this picture before the end of the month as I had originally hoped, but I'm ok with that. One of our (unintended) souvenirs from our trip was two cases of COVID. We tested positive before leaving Virginia so it was a long 12 hour trip in the car to get home. I'm still really tired so not much stitching is getting done! We had both avoided getting COVID up until this time.
I have done a little bit of knitting over the last couple of days. The ribbing on my hat needs to be 4.5" wide and I am at 4" now. Soon, I will be moving onto a patterned section of trinity stitch.
On our way to Williamsburg, we stopped at Watkin's Glen State Park in NY for a rather damp but scenic hike. Thank goodness for rain gear!

At Colonial Williamsburg, I saw a beautifully embroidered woman's pocket. The top of the pocket had a drawstring which was tied around the woman's waist with the pocket worn under her skirt and accessed through a slit in the side seam. No one except the wearer would see the gorgeous handwork.

One of the gardens had these gorgeous magenta flowers which the bees loved.