I still have more cutting out to do on the red pieces as well. I will continue to post pictures of my progress.
Monday, June 29, 2009
QNIC (Quilting Night In Canada)
I still have more cutting out to do on the red pieces as well. I will continue to post pictures of my progress.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Patriotic Table Runner Swap
The next swap is a Fall Themed runner. I have not decided if I will participate this time around. I have a lot going on in my life over the next little while and may take a brief hiatus from swaps.
Elgin Piecemakers Dinner and Comfort Quilts
Thursday night, the Elgin Piecemakers quilt guild met at the home of one of our members for our annual June dinner. Last year, we had a delicious pot luck dinner. This year, the host quilter's husband offered to cook for us! He got up early and cooked all day--he baked home-made bread , made some wonderful salads, grilled vegetables, salmon and chicken, ... Here is a picture of the table, groaning under the weight of his efforts... We felt like queens! The dishes were both beautifully presented, as you can see, and a feast for the tastebuds as well! I asked if he would consider doing some catering--the answer was yes! I may take him up on this sometime!
After supper, we had "show and tell" with our Comfort Quilts. We had divided into pairs of quilters earlier in the year and each pair had made a quilt for a cancer patient at the local hospital. Thursday was the big "reveal" of our projects!

Three sets of quilters used the same pattern, but different fabrics. I just love how each quilt has a unique look!

This sampler quilt featured blocks made by different members of the group.

This quilt was made entirely of scrappy strips!

This quilt was made from a pack of "Sweet Sixteenths".

I believe you have seen this one before...

These quilts were all machine quilted by a husband of one of our members. He did a great job!
The quilts will be delivered to the chemo ward at the hospital shortly. The local paper is sending a photographer to take a picture. As we enjoyed home-make cake and strawberries, we picked new partners to make more quilts for the chemo patients. These quilts are to be done by our January meeting. Stay tuned for more news of progress on the next quilt.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Another Layout of the University Quilt

I also cut out the rest of the lights and all of the golds for the Bonnie Hunter Christmas lights mystery quilt tonight. No photos yet. I will take some when I get some sewing done.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
University Quilt...STALLED!
I moved the trunk I use as a coffee table out of the middle of the great room yesterday so that I could lay out the blocks for my daughter's university quilt. I tried this layout first and asked her to come up and see it. She's a bit worried that there are too many fabrics in the quilt and wondered about using only some of the fabrics and making something less "busy". She wants me to try using the larger squares of fabric with white sashing and blue cornerstones. I told her I would post a picture of the blocks we have and then ask for any ideas other people might come up with. So, here's your assignment: any ideas on how to "tame" this down a bit and come up with something my daughter might like. I told her I would do something different so she would love the quilt. My daughter is worried we "wasted" money and time on the blocks I already made--I told her I would just make them into something else!!! If you have any ideas, please let me know!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Cancer Patient Quilt

Next week, we are having our last meeting of the year and everyone is bringing their completed charity quilt for show and tell. I am looking forward to seeing everyone's projects. In the fall, we are going to pair up with another guild member and make another quilt for the hospital. I hope this quilt brings warmth and comfort to someone in our community.
This quilt is a lap sized quilt, about 4' by 4'.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
My Grandmother's Hands
This past Sunday, my family went to visit my 98 year old Grandmother at the nursing home where she lives. I brought my camera and tripod with me so that I could take this special 5 generations picture which includes the hands of my grandmother, my aunt, my cousin, another cousin's daughter and another cousin's grand-daughter. The quilt in the background was made by my grandmother for my cousin when she got married--the pattern is called "Grandmother's Flower Garden".
My Grandmother has made dozens of quilts and afghans in her lifetime. Up until a little over a year ago, she was still knitting. All of her children, grandchildren and great grand-children have been blessed by her handiwork. I personally have 4 quilts made by her and my daughter also has one. We each have an afghan as well. I have doilies made by her as well, tucked away in my cedar chest.
I am the only grandchild who has taken up quilting, and in my own way, I am trying to pass on my love to my family and friends with quilted gifts. My grandmother inspired me to take up quilting -- I have been making quilts since I was a teenager. When I go to visit my Grandmother, I try to take along my latest project to show her. Even on a bad day, her face lights up when she sees my quilts.
I would like to be able to say that I came up with the idea for the photograph, but I didn't. My cousin, Donna, sent an e-mail to everyone with a photograph of 5 generations of hands with a story along with it. Below, I have cut and pasted it into my blog. Feel free to pass this idea on to your family and friends.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Quilted Table Swap and University Quilt Progress
I have been working on my daughter's university quilt and have made some progress on some more pieced blocks.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
My MIL's Birthday Gift
I worked on my daughter's university quilt for 30 minutes last night--no pictures yet. I am hosting another quilting (and knitting) night in Canada tomorrow night so I will take some pictures of the quilt in progress and post them here later in the week.
My friends Karen and Jacqui and I went to a quilt show in London Ontario last Saturday. We saw some beautiful quilts: Here are a few pictures taken at the show...