At one time, I would purchase precuts when I liked a certain fabric line or sometimes people gave them to me as gifts, and I may have won one or two in a door prize draw at a guild meeting. I have been working over the last few years to use these precuts up so I don't have any left in my stash. I have had a farm themed charm pack on my sewing table for a few months now so I could look at it and decide what to make with it. This past week, while talking to Christine on FaceTime, I started sewing and by the end of the day, I had a baby quilt top finished. I started with a 25 patch and then added borders with white fabric from my stash as well as the rest of the squares, cut in half.

I wanted the quilt to be more rectangular than square so the top and bottom borders are wider than the side borders. I used all but 4 of the charm squares. The leftovers have been cut into 2.5" squares and added to my bin of squares. I found some turquoise dotty fabric to use for the back and the binding. This quilt has been added to the "to be quilted" pile.
When I was in my sewing storage area this week, I found two charm packs of the same fabric--I must have bought them for a specific purpose but I'm not sure what it was now. I looked in my solids stash for co-ordinating fabric and found some green that is a bit darker than the green squares in the charm pack.
Perfect, but I only have a yard of it... so I found some brown as well. I started by cutting out the parts for 6 star blocks made with the larger scale prints in the centres. Soon, I was sewing the stars together.
I added some brown sashing and green cornerstones.
I did not have enough of the sashing fabric to do the outer border so I used a slightly darker solid brown instead.
I am pondering how I will make the next border--I am leaning towards four patches on point with green backgrounds.
I am aiming for a lap sized quilt and want to use only what I already have in my stash for the front and back of the quilt. I wonder how far my one yard of green fabric will stretch? We will see!
Today, I got together with some quilting friends to work on our projects outside. There were two of us knitting, one hand piecing, one crocheting, two cutting fabric for upcoming quilts and one doing needle felting. I did not get pictures of everyone's projects but this is Pat's felted gnome.
Diane made a few hand pieced hexagons. This is a long term project--it will be a bed sized quilt someday.
I concentrated on my knitting and added several rows to my snow person. The sharp eyed knitters among you may notice a mistake here but I am ignoring it and moving on. This part will be covered by a scarf.

My daughter has been cross stitching on Dubrovnik this week.
Finn slept through some online training that my daughter did for work this week. Obviously, it was not that interesting to him!
Seen by the side of the trail where a friend and I walk each day:

This photo was taken at our local St. Thomas Elevated Park as the sun went behind a cloud. This is a favourite walking spot.
Here is what the elevated park looks like from below:
I hope to do some embroidery tomorrow for my Slow Sunday Stitching with Kathy. I will link up in the morning.