I will link up with Kathy and the Slow Sunday Stitchers in the morning.
The week got away from me and I did not show my favourite quilts from QuiltCon so I will show them to you in this post along with my stitching efforts from this past week. I'll start with my stitching...
I have finished the flowers to the right of the rabbit in my Spring cross stitch picture and I'm now working on the carrots and beets under the rabbit and the flowers on the left side. I'm surprised all these flowers and vegetables have not been eaten by the bunny--that's what happened in our backyard when we had a vegetable garden. The rabbits still nibble on some of the flowers...
Christine and I left early for our quilting retreat with the Oxford Guild this past Friday because there was a winter storm coming and we wanted to get there and be set up before the snow started to fall. The snow started in the afternoon and kept going all night. In the morning there was almost a foot of snow (30cm for the metric folks). We were all snowed in and loving it. We did not lose power and we had our sewing machines and lots of fabric and projects on hand to work on. It was a great weekend!
First, I tackled my two rainbow scrap challenge projects for this year-- pineapple log cabin blocks and some 6.5" square slabs using scraps. I had not made February's pink blocks yet and the new colour for March had already been announced--green, so I had to make blocks for both months.