Saturday, June 8, 2024

A Quilty Week

Last week, I told you about the quilt that wanted to be quilted by hand, not by machine.  After acquiring the thread I wanted to use (Aurifil 28 wt) last weekend, I started the quilting this week. I'm doing big stitch quilting, so far in the peel shapes and the arcs in the middle of the quilt.  I have figured out a quilting design for the middle of the quilt but have not started that part yet.  This is a slow stitching project, after all. 

I visited our daughter and Finn last weekend.  I did lots of cross stitching on the train and while I was at her place.  

My daughter did some cross stitching too--she started the next room in the mystery cross stitch series she is doing.  

Here is the first one--the kitchen. 

My daughter bought herself some kits to make Christmas Woobles in January.  She watched some online videos to learn how to crochet and here is a picture of her progress last weekend.  As of yesterday, she had finished the head and was moving on to the neck and body as well as the arms. I do not know how to crochet--I chose to learn to knit when I retired.  (speaking of knitting, I should get back to working on my scarf...)

 We took Finn for a few walks while I was visiting.  He likes to stop to rest on the soft grass!  We ate lunch on a patio that allows well behaved dogs to sit beside your table while you eat.  Finn was a good boy and wagged his tail whenever anyone walked by. 

The local Modern Guild had their show on while I was visiting so we went to see the quilts.  This was my favourite. I have been contemplating making my own 100 day project for a while now.  I will have to figure out what to do. 

The title of my post is "A Quilty Week"...  On Friday, my friend, Katharine, and I went to the Grand Quilt Guild's show in Fergus, Ontario.  There were lots of beautiful quilts.  I chose this one as my favourite to show you.  Celeste reverse appliquéd each one of the 196 blocks in this quilt as well as the border as her long term slow stitching project over several years, January 2017 until Spring 2024.  So many interesting blocks and just a gorgeous quilt!  The indigo fabric in each block is Shweshwe. 

We continue to have lots of rain with sunny days in between which means our flowers and gardens are growing like crazy!  

Evening Primrose below. 

Serbian Bellflower (if you look closely, you will see an ant on one of the flowers)

This week's hike included creature sightings--a snail and several toads.  

One last picture of my favourite dog!  Those eyes could bore holes into your soul. 

I will link up with Kathy tomorrow and Frederique today.  Have a great week!


  1. I started to make a Dutch Treat quilt once and ended it as a square table topper to use at Christmas - too much work - the one you show is gorgeous. Love the needle point - how do you like the 28wt thread - I use the #12 for quilting

  2. Your hand quilting project is beautiful, love these pretty colors and big stitches. Your lupins are coming along very nicely, the bush looks luxuriant, and love your daughter's embroideries too. Thank you for sharing some gorgeous quilts from the show, this reverse appliquéd quilt is wonderful.

  3. Your hand quilting looks great. I like big quilting stitches! Your daughters crochet looks lovely and even - great start for a beginner. It sounds like you had a nice time with your daughter. Finn is always adorable.

  4. You and your daughter both have some beautiful projects in the works. Thanks for sharing the 100 Days quilt and the gorgeous quilt from the show. I went to a quilt show yesterday and saw a wonderful quilt made with that same pattern (Dutch Treat.)

  5. Both yours and your daughter's cross stitches are lovely. Some lovely quilts you saw at the quilt show. The reverse applique quilt is a beauty, as is the 100 days one. I agree, the quilt was correct in demanding it be hand quilted. Your stitches are looking neat and uniform.

  6. Those cross stitch projects are beautiful. Those are two lovely quilts you shared from the show. I can't imagine completing that many reverse applique blocks! I'm intrigued with the 100 days/100 blocks challenge too. . .someday I might give it a go.--TerryK@OnGoingProjects

  7. You definitely did have a quilty week, Gail! Your quilting looks wonderful - I really like the green thread. Sounds fun to go to the quilt shows. There's always so much inspiration there! I always enjoy your photos of Finn - such a sweetie!

  8. What a nice quilty week. Beautiful cross stitch of both your daughter's and yours, and lovely picture of Finn!

  9. Big stitch quilting is nice and relaxing, I'll be interested to see how this project evolves. Which reminds me, I have a big stitch project languishing, I only have the borders to complete. Must get it out and finish it. Hello lovely Finn, it's always nice to see his photo.
