Thursday, June 13, 2024

A Little of This and a Little of That

I seem to have a bit of a green theme in this week's post...  My hand quilting is coming along slowly, as most hand quilting projects do.  I added some stitches a few days this week and decided on a diamond shape in the four patch sections.  

These shapes will each get this pattern--there are five of these to do and one is done.  I used a bread and butter plate to mark the curves. 

The lupins did not get much attention this week.  There is one more light purple one to add on the right (I have just started the first few stitches on the bottom right) and more medium green to add to the leaves at the bottom.  I hope to work on this on the weekend. 

We think this little Carolina wren has built a nest in one of our hanging baskets.  Last year, some mourning doves took up residence in our hanging baskets.

My Stella D'ora day lilies are out this week.  They look pretty after it rains. 

I'm making another Sew Together Bag for a friend.  The lining is green.  The wool needle landing is actually orange but looks gold in the picture. The cute little tag was purchased at Quilt Con from Sarah Hearts.   There is a looming deadline for this project so it will be done soon. 

My friend, Pat, is making quilts for her grandchildren.  This one is for her grandson who is graduating from high school this year.  All the fabrics (except the red and white) are leftovers from PJ's she has made for him over the years and are all sports related fabrics--hockey, golf, soccer, baseball,  and football.  She came over to my house one day this week so we could figure out a layout for all the blocks. She is madly sewing them together now to have the top done before the family BBQ this weekend to celebrate his graduation.  She will be adding a border before it is quilted.  

My daughter's first crochet project is growing.  She has learned increases and decreases.  The bottom part in the picture is actually the head of the gingerbread mad she is making. 

We are hoping that Finn does not think the gingerbread man looks good enough to eat!

I will link up with Kathy and Frederique on the weekend. 


  1. Your hand quilting project is such a striking color combination! Looks like it is going well. I really like your friend's quilt design, too! The red and white four patches are a fun way to tie all the pj prints together. No crochet snacks for you, Finn!

  2. A delightful peak into your world of hand quilting, nesting birds and quilting friendship. What a great idea to save remnants from PJs made for grandkids, then make an memory quilt for them to take along with them post high school graduation.

  3. You worked on a lot of projects this week, and all of them look pretty! Great idea to quilt each green block with its own pattern, the new bag is lovely and the cute tag is fun, and the graduation quilt is going to be a wonderful gift for the boy. Well done with the lupins, and yes, your daughter's crocheted doll looks pretty and Finn might want to play with it ;))

  4. Definitely a green theme this week! Nice progress on your hand quilting. Love the green fabric lining. Hope your friend got her grandsons quilt finished in time.its always nice to see the birds nesting. We’ve just had a blackbird fledge in our garden. It was great to see how good the parents were,especially seeing off bigger birds! Sarah quilting by the sea

  5. Those black and white fabrics look fabulous with the green. Hand quilting is never finished in a hurry, is it?? Your friend's graduation quilt is going to look great. Fabulous fabrics placement. How sweet to have birds nesting in your hanging baskets.

  6. Your friend using scraps from previous pajamas to make a quilt was a great plan! I like how it finished.--TerryK@OnGoingProjects

  7. Great variety of projects, love the lupin stitching. Great idea to make a quilt using the PJ scraps. Your flowers are beautiful!

  8. I love to see your hand quilting! So fun! Enjoy stitching lupins today!

  9. Your quilting looks beautiful. I hope you can finish your bag on time. I love the idea of your friend's quilt for her grandson. It will be a wonderful keepsake. Finn is looking adorable as usual.

  10. I really like lime green with black and white! Your hand quilting is great. What a great idea to use the pj prints in his Graduation quilt!

  11. Another busy week for you. Your friend's quilt for her grandson is great, she has kept those pj scraps for quite some time, hasn't she.
