Saturday, July 27, 2024

Baby Quilt Done!

A few months ago, I dug into my flannel scraps and made a flannel vortex baby quilt top in an effort to tame the flannel scrap bin.  I ended up with a quilt top and a still full to overflowing flannel scrap bin.  Sigh...  This week, I finished off the quilting using this nifty attachment to keep my curved lines equidistant from each other as I sewed.  It worked really well!  I found some red Kona to use for the binding and now this quilt is in my baby quilt storage area, ready to give away when a baby comes along. 

The back is flannel chunks from another bin of flannel leftovers from pj's I made many years ago for my daughter and nieces.  

I worked on my secret project this week too. The back is pieced and I am ready for the next step in the process--pin basting.  

The lupins are getting some back stitching done on them most days.  Today's stitching was done in the gazebo. 

On our weekly hike with the hiking club we saw lots of wildflowers including this thistle. 

My husband and I went for a 21 km bike ride at Rondeau Provincial Park on Friday.  We ride mostly in the shade of tall trees at this park.  Of course, I stopped to take a few pictures along the way. This is Jewelweed.  

The maidenhair fern was so pretty!

We went to the garden centre today to buy a bush to replace one that was dying.  Everything was on we ended up coming home with 2 bushes and 5 perennials for the garden.  After supper tonight, the mosquitoes "assisted" us in getting everything planted and watered.  

This is called a Spigelia "Little Redhead".  I had never seen one of these before. 

We had a guest one night for dinner as we ate on the patio. Very shiny!

Finn has had a good week with lots of pets and snuggles.  

The pink phlox in my front garden started blooming this week. 

I will link up with Kathy and Frederique, as usual.


  1. Isn't it weird how a project doesn't seem to make a dent in the scraps?

  2. Your flannel vortex quilt is delightful, Gail! I've made one scrap vortex quilt and enjoyed sewing all those scraps together and seeing what developed. I really like that blue inner border you added, too. Looks like you saw some beautiful wildflowers on your hike. Have a wonderful Sunday!

  3. Hooray for using up scraps! I like your flannel vortex baby quilt finish! It looks super cuddly!--TerryK@OnGoingProjects

  4. That scrappy flannel baby blanket is wonderful! I have a coneflower that is the same color. I love it! I have never seen the other plant before either. Very pretty. I like the way the pink lupine pops with the backstitching. It is always good to get a Finn photo. Enjoy your stitching!

  5. Great use of scraps for the baby blanket. Gorgeous flowers and plants on your adventures! Things we never see in this part of the country.

  6. I love seeing the quilting on the back. That will be such a cuddly and soft quilt for a baby. Congratlations on the finish!

  7. Love the flannel vortex quilt. Great idea! My flannel drawer(s) are overflowing! I like the inner border too, Thistle is such a pretty flower, but I’m not a fan of the plant in my garden. Ferns are rare here, we are way too dry!

  8. Love using up scraps, your quilt looks amazing. A sale at the garden shop only beats a sale at a quilt store! Ahhh cone flowers favorite.

  9. Very nice flannel quilt, I've used that guide a few times too when quilting, it's very handy.

  10. The flannel baby quilt is lovely! Cute prints, it looks soft and cozy. Lupin is coming along nicely too. Pretty new flowers!
