Saturday, August 24, 2024

A Fox, Fried Eggs and Secret Projects

I have had a very productive week in the sewing department.  Unfortunately, I can't show you two of the projects because they are gifts and must be kept secret for a while yet.  Suffice to say that I have used up some older stash fabrics this week as well as a few newer fat quarters purchased specifically for the quilt. In time, I will show both projects here. 

I have managed to add some stitches to my winter cross stitch every day this week. The fox section is well on its way to being done.  Those stitches that look like I forgot to do the second part of the X are supposed to be that way.  I should be able to finish this section this coming week. 

I picked up my sunflower cross stitch from the framer's last week. It is perfect for this time of year--the sunflower fields in our area are in bloom right now. This is a Satsuma Street pattern. My winter/Christmas cross stitch picture from last winter is at the framer's now.  I still need to finish the lupins outlining before it can go there too. 

A friend gave me an aster plant that she had grown from seed.  It bloomed this week and there are many more buds on the plant ready to burst.  

You may be wondering about the Fried Eggs in this post's title.  My daughter started another crochet blanket this week. Yes, I do believe that she officially has UFO's now since she has more than one project underway at the same time... When she showed me the white circles with the yellow centres, I thought they looked like fried eggs...she finished one block to show me that they are actually flowers!  This is going to be pretty! Her blanket will have 42 blocks like this.  

She also worked on her cream coloured blanket this week--using up one of 11 balls of yarn.  I like the texture!

Finn thinks a ball of yarn makes a perfect pillow. 

I went to the park with a friend and her preschool aged grandchild today.  We found turtles, frogs and a heron.  It was very exciting!  We spent time at the playground too and finished off the afternoon with ice cream. 

I will link up with Kathy and the slow Sunday stitchers as well as Frederique. 


  1. Cross stitch fox is in the Christmas spirit. While walking in a park with kids, you more stuff :-)

  2. Nice work on your finished sunflower piece--all centered and framed! Love the flower variation of granny square. And neat stitch on your daughter's afghan pattern!

  3. Fun projects in the making at your house and your daughter’s! My sister, the counselor, used to say that is was good to see the world through the eyes of a 3 year old. Looks like you had that opportunity this week! Turtles, and frogs and herons, oh my! :)

  4. I love that little fox. I am looking forward to seeing your secret projects. I agree that those white flowers look like eggs before the squares are finished. Your daughter's blanket is pretty. What a nice outing you had.

  5. Lovely embroideries, this little fox is cute, and I love to see your sunflower cross stitch beautifully framed! What a tiny turtle! Love the heron and frog too.

  6. Living close to fields of sunflowers must be nice, they certaibly do look pretty.

  7. Hope those secret projects are moving right along toward their deadlines! The cross-stitched fox is lovely, and so is your framed sunflower project. I'm impressed with your daughter's crochet projects - they look great!

  8. Your cross stitch projects are so lovely! I'm also impressed with your daughter's crochet projects!--TerryK@OnGoingProjects

  9. Your finished sunflowers are so pretty! lovely framing job. The Christmas fox is charming.
    Wow your daughter does beautiful crochet! I like the daily granny squares, and they do look a bit like fried eggs, :)
    Sounds like a perfect summer afternoon at the park.
