Saturday, October 26, 2024

Moving Right Along

This has been a productive week in the sewing department!  I finished quilting the potato chip quilt I made for the local hospice.  I used the cut offs from the backing to make the binding, remembering after I had machine stitched it to the front of the quilt that it needed to be machine stitched down, not hand stitched as I usually do.  Oops! This is because the quilts for the hospice will be washed and dried by machine often and the binding will stay on better if machine stitched.  I did not want to un-sew all of the binding so I just machine top-stitched it from the back. It's not perfect on the front but it will stay on when it is washed.  I'm very happy with how this quilt turned out!   

Here is the back.  You can see my straight line quilting easier on the back. There is lots of quilting to keep it together over many cycles in the washer and dryer. 

I pin basted a gift quilt this week and it will be next up for walking foot quilting.  I will show pictures of it once it has been gifted. 

I finished off two more placemats for Meals on Wheels.  I have two more to make to reach my self-imposed goal of 12. 

Lots of cross stitching done this week--I am well on my way to finishing the second quadrant of my winter/Christmas piece.  The pattern is called "Winter Woods" from Satsuma Street.

My daughter has become addicted to crochet and has started another project.  This is a Christmas crochet-along blanket.  Finn is modelling the centre square which will be a gingerbread house.  It is about 1/2 done.  Finn thinks the balls of wool made a nice pillow for his bum. 

This sleeping position is very comfortable but resulted in a serious case of bed face. 

The fall colours are peaking here.  This is the Worplesdon Sweetgum tree in our backyard. 

This picture was taken at the park while I was on my morning walk earlier in the week. 

 Here are a few more photos from our recent SW USA adventure.  We took a two hour boat tour on Lake Powell at 8am.  Turned out to be just us and the guide as no one else wanted to get up that early!  Beautiful day and not too hot at that hour in the morning. The guide was very knowledgeable and told us the history of the Glen Canyon Dam that was built to form the reservoir.  The first picture was taken from the Glen Canyon Museum and the second from a lookout above the lake. The rest are from the boat tour. 

The level of the lake fluctuates depending on how much snow falls in the mountains at the source of the Colorado River. You can clearly see how high the water was at one time in the next picture.  

I will link up with Kathy and the Slow Sunday Stitchers in the morning.  I will link up with the Rainbow Scrap Challenge folks and Frederique today.   Have a great week!


  1. Seeing your finished hospice quilt is making me question my decision to hand quilt the I-Spy quilt. My walking foot or the quilt itself were not behaving. This quilt is just so pretty. Your cross-stitch is looking great. I love the Finn photos as well as those of your trip and the Autumn colors near your home.

  2. Your potato chip quilt turned out wonderfully, Gail! The quilting looks great, and I imagine the stitching from the binding also looks like a line of quilting. Pretty placemats, too. That cute Finn is so photogenic! What a great experience to get out on the lake like that! Thanks for sharing your photos.

  3. we didn't go to Arizona this time but we have seen the dam before but never took the boat tour - must do that sometime you got some good photos. Love the fall color you are getting.

  4. Love your potato chip quilt!!! Great coloration for a scrap quilt! Nice job on the placemats. I like the simple style! I enjoyed your photos from your trip. I've never been there.

  5. Great photos from your boat trip, the scenery looks wonderful. I admire the pretty Autumn hues of the trees. Our native trees are evergreen so dont change colour. We do have plentry of "exoctic" trees in parks and gardens to give some Autumn colour.

  6. Your potato chip quilt turned out great, binding sewn on either way. Finished & secure was perfect. Love that sweet little Finn! He's a sleeping beauty! Lol!

  7. The Hospice quilt is lovely. I'm never brave enough to machine stitch the binding as it always looks messy. Impressive photos of Lake Powell. I'm with your daughter...crochet is terribly addictive. Love, love, love your Winter Woods cross stitch. Love all those colours.

  8. That's a really nice finish Gail. I love your winter cross stitch. Finn makes a great model for your daughters crochet! Beautiful photos from your recent trip. Nice to have the boat and guide to yourself!

  9. Lovely potato chip quilt, I love those blocks. Finn looks quite comfortable on the balls of yarn. Nice scenic pictures of the dam!
