Welcome to my weekly stitching and knitting report. At the last minute, I decided to make a Black block for my 13th block for my RSC quilt this year. I had lots of fun 2.5" squares to use for this block!
Many of you were wondering last week how I was going to use 13 blocks instead of 12 in this quilt top. Well, you don't have to wait any longer. Here is the almost finished quilt top. I still need to add a white border around the entire top. Then, it will go in the pile of "to be quilted" quilts.
I made a wall hanging this week too but can't show all of it yet. For now, this sneak peak will have to suffice.

Today, I pin basted the zig-zag quilt on the kitchen floor and started the quilting. My repaired sewing machine is working fine now, thankfully. The second picture shows the walking foot zig zag quilting in two colours--tan thread on the light parts and dark green on the darker parts. I might be able to finish quilting this one this coming week.
I did some knitting this week too, adding one more repeat of the cables on my project. I see a small mistake in the picture but I am not un-knitting it!

More stitches were added to Dubrovnik this week by my daughter. I love the vibrant colours in these cityscape cross stitch pictures.
I tried another blueberry scone recipe this week--also delicious! These did not last long!
After consulting with the newlyweds, I added their names and wedding date to the Love Birds cross stitch wedding gift as well as my initials as the maker of the gift.
The picture has been taken to the framers and it will be a few weeks until it is done. I did a video chat with the bride from the framers to see which frame she liked the best. I will show a picture when it is finished.
This little cutie is my cousin's grand-daughter, lying on top of her new quilt, made by me last year. I always request a picture of the baby on the baby quilts I make!
All my sewing this past while resulted in this--an empty spool. Another one bites the dust! Luckily, I just happened to have a spare spool of white in my drawer!
My friend and I got a close look at this deer while out walking this week at the park. We often see deer there but not usually this close.
These next two pictures were taken at my cousin's farm where he grows all kinds of vegetables and fruit to sell. Dill and pickling cucumbers are hot sellers at the moment. Dillicious!
Finn loves his walks each day!

I will link up with the Slow Sunday Stitcher's at Kathy's blog in the morning.