I finished the lilac stars table runner binding off last weekend for slow Sunday stitching. It is now ready for gifting! I added a lilac print stripe on the back to make it long enough.
I managed to do some cross stitching most days this week so now I have two sunflowers done and parts of a few leaves. There are four more smaller sunflowers in this quadrant of the picture.
My daughter has been adding more colours to her Ottawa cityscape. Finn is a good cross stitch holder, don't you think???
I spent some time in my sewing room this week tidying and putting things away. I have a basket on my desk for scraps and it was overflowing--all scraps are sorted and put in the appropriate bins now. Fabric has been folded and put away. Miscellaneous tools and notions have been put away. I still have a pile of papers to go through and file away. It is looking much better! I found my little tabletop thread catcher that had been MIA for several months under a pile...
We have been working on the gardens-- weeding, moving plants, mulching and we are just about done. It's looking good! The bubbling rock is bubbling again now that the pump has been installed for the season. The clematis bloomed this week.
Lots of pink and purple flowers blooming in the gardens at the moment!
Finn is enjoying spending time outside now that the weather is warmer. His tag says "I'm a people dog". It does not lie!

I will link up with Kathy and the Slow Sunday Stitchers in the morning. Have a great week!