In October 2014, I took a class with Kaffe Fassett called "Overlapping Tiles". We spent all day cutting squares and putting them on our design walls to come up with a pleasing composition. Kaffe and Brandon came around the room to each quilter to make suggestions about colours/fabrics to add or take away and arranging the tiles. They added 5 fabrics to my quilt including the constant fabric--none of which I would have added myself. I finished the quilt top a year ago. I originally planned to make a queen sized quilt, but eventually downsized it to a lap quilt. It has been pin basted for months and this week, I finally got it quilted and bound. I'm calling it "Spring Vibes".
The green solid binding was in my stash and I had just enough of it.
These next two pictures show the quilting design--done with my walking foot.
I also did some hand stitching on my Lupins cross stitch project this week and plan on working on it again this weekend.

The Dalias in my patio pot are putting on a show this week.
This week's hike featured Canada Anemones in full bloom.
Today, we were in Sarnia to celebrate my MIL's birthday. We took a short walk by the water and found lots of fun painted rocks along the walkway. Here are a few of my favourites!
And what is a Cozy Quilter blogpost without a picture of our grand-dog, Finn? Here, he is assisting with an online meeting for our daughter's work.
I will link up with Kathy and Frederique this weekend.