Saturday, May 25, 2024

Lupin Stitching in the Car in the Rain

Today, my husband was volunteering at a special event at a local museum.  I went with him so I could look at the WW2 displays around the property.  Shortly after we arrived, it started to rain and so I stayed in the car and listened to an audiobook while I added more stitches to my counted cross stitch Lupins. After about an hour, the rain stopped and the sun came out.  People started arriving and the day was a success. 

I asked my daughter and Finn to send me a picture of her recent cross stitch finish and they sent me this:  Silly Finn. 

This one shows off the picture much better! This is the first of a series of 4 pictures in a murder mystery set. My daughter has started working on the second picture. 

I finished the last of my 20 Quilts for Survivors donation blocks this week.  A member of the Oxford Guild who will be at Quilt Canada in Edmonton will take the blocks to the QFS booth.  I made most of my blocks from my batik fabric bin.  Three of my blocks are orphans, leftover from other projects. 

I decided that this Overlapping Tiles quilt, started in a class with Kaffe Fassett several years ago, needed to be quilted.  I am using a 28wt green thread for the quilting.  I hope to finish it this coming week. 

This week's hike with the Elgin Hiking Club included meeting a new friend,  

as well as a view down some no longer in use railway tracks. 

My husband's grandmother's peonies are blooming in our front garden.  I could not resist  taking a picture of one of the flowers after it rained. 

My husband and I spent a lot of time this past week repairing our flagstone sidewalk in the backyard.  The joints between the flagstones were full of weeds and moss.  It has been a process to remove all the plant and other organic matter between the stones before adding polymeric stone dust to hopefully prevent weeds in the future.  The main sidewalk is done and we are now working on a path through the flower garden.  I want this job to be done so we can work on the next job on the list!

I will link up with the Slow Sunday stitchers on Sunday morning and with Frederique now.  


  1. Both embroideries are beautiful, thank you to Finn for the show ;) I love your batik blocks, such rich colors, they are going to make pretty donation quilts. Thank you for sharing your week, and this fun meeting with a furry friend ;)

  2. Ahh...the 'to do list', it never seems to end. Your flagstone sidewalk is fabulous. Your Lupins is coming along wonderfully, as is your daughter's pretty cross stitch. What a gorgeous peony!

  3. So many gorgeous things to look at! Finn is adorable and your stones look so neat and tidy!

  4. Your lupins are so pretty. I love your daughter's cross-stitch. I have bookmarked this series for my daughter. Donation quilt blocks are all so pretty. That peony is so pretty. I have thought of adding one of those plants to my garden.

  5. your walkway looks beautiful. I love peonies!

  6. Wish I could clean up my brick pathway so beautifully. I am constantly fighting the moss and the weeds! Great work! Your cross stitch and daughter's are beautiful, and that Finn is a character! Happy stitching!

  7. love your cross stitch project. You can definitely see they are lupins! Nice blocks too and great for a donation quilt. Sarah quilting by the sea

  8. Your lupine stitching is getting prettier and prettier! The murder mystery project sounds fascinating - is there a story to go along with it? There's always something to be done in the yard and garden, isn't there? We've been doing those kinds of projects this week, too! Your peonies are beautiful!

  9. It is a good thing that you took some cross stitch along with you since there was rain. Finn is too cute!!! The peonies are breathtaking. Enjoy your day. Hugs

  10. What happened to that comment I started? I was writing about the beautiful peonies, your lovely batik blocks, and handsome Finn.

  11. Love the Lupines. Can you please tell us the name of the pattern please ? Although it's too late to help you now but a much easier way to kill the weeds in cracks is to pour boiling hot water on them. This also works for sidewalk cracks where the weeds sometimes grow. I love your blog thanks for sharing all of your pictures with us.
