Sunday, August 11, 2024

A Week at the Cottage

Our family, including our daughter and Finn, spent this past week at a cottage near Algonquin Park. We had a relaxing week which included lots of reading on the dock, crafting, watching the olympics, a puzzle and going for walks. On the way to pick up Finn and our daughter, I spent several hours untangling a skein of wool that I bought last year in Newfoundland for the scarf I have been knitting.  I'm not sure how it got so tangled up, but it is now a ball of wool, ready to add to the scarf. 

I added lots of rows of knitting to the scarf in the car and at the cottage.  It's growing and I may be able to finish it in time to wear this winter!

I added more stitches to my winter cross stitch too.  You can see the tree starting to emerge now. This pattern is from Satsuma Street. 

My daughter worked on her "Bernard the Elf" wobble and finished him!  He liked watching the races at the Olympics too.  His hat is quite jaunty!

We had my friend Cathy and her husband over for lunch one day.  They lived close to us until a few years ago when they moved to Muskoka.  Cathy blogs at Eagles Wings Quilts--Kathy's Slow Sunday Stitching Crew will know who she is as she links up each Sunday with all of the hand stitchers. We had not seen each other in three years so it was fun to catch up in person.  Cathy and I often sew together on FaceTime.  Here we are with our current stitching projects.  

Finn's favourite place at the cottage was the dock. He just loved lying in the sun and watching the canoes and kayaks go by. 

A comfy chair on the screened in porch was a great place for an afternoon nap. 

A monarch butterfly found a milkweed plant at the side of the road and stayed still long enough for me to get a picture when we went for a walk one day. 

My daughter and I took Finn for a canoe ride one evening when the water was very calm. 

Later in the evenings, we all worked on this puzzle. All those swaths of solid colour were a bit challenging.  We left it at the cottage for others to enjoy. 

I will link up with Kathy and Frederique. 


  1. Great family and friend time! It looks like you enjoyed every moments. Thank you for sharing these cute little elf, embroidery, and knitting!

  2. A lovely post highlighting the vacation week. The ombre green yarn worthy of untangling. I’m going to look up Algonquin Park as I’ve heard of it from others. In a few weeks the Monarchs will be gathering in Point Pelee for their migrating journey. I recognize Cathy’s stitching project. How nice to visit. Finn probably slept real good at night.

  3. Stitching on the dock looks idyllic!

  4. what is better than chairs on the pier stitching - looks so relaxing

  5. What a wonderful vacation week! The green ombre yarn is so beautiful in the scarf!--Terry@OnGoingProjects

  6. What a wonderful getaway that was.

  7. That sounds like a fun getaway and a beautiful place to spend it in! Glad you had time for some knitting and cross-stitching. Your daughter's elf is adorable! I have a friend who crochets 3-D famous people - she just finished a little Queen Elizabeth! Finn looks very content there.

  8. That sounds like a great vacation. How wonderful that you were able to meet up with a friend and stitch together in person. I love the elf! Finn looks like he enjoyed the trip too.

  9. What a lovely time you had, especially meeting up with your friend and fellow blogger. What did Finn think of his canoe trip?

  10. Sounds like a fun, relaxing way to have some family & friends time. Moments like those are to be treasured.
