Thursday, August 1, 2024

Blocks for RSC

This seemingly messy pile of fabric is actually the makings of a baby quilt!  I took this picture when I had all the parts cut out and piled by my sewing machine, ready to sew. In the pile, are 12 of the 6.5" square crumb blocks in different colours for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge from last year.  I have four sets of these blocks and decided to use each set in a different setting to make four baby quilts.  The one I made previously was made up of star blocks. 

This time I am making churn dash blocks.  I had just enough of the black and white check fabric to make 12 blocks.  I actually had to piece two of them to make them big enough. 

After finishing my first block at home,  I decided to chain piece the rest at the guild sewing day on Monday.  Most people "practice" sewing blocks with no bobbin thread, but not me.  I forgot to thread the machine with a spool of thread before "sewing" all of these strips together...Ugh!  Back to the beginning again...

By bedtime, I had all 12 blocks put together and up on my design wall in no particular order.  I will play around with placement before adding a narrow sashing and cornerstones, as well as a border.  There are lots of scrappy memories in these blocks. 

In June, we had a Carolina wren nest in our hanging baskets on the front porch and now, we had a pair of mourning doves sitting on their nest. 

My daughter has been crocheting this week.  This is the beginnings of "Bernard the Elf".

I find it hard to do outlining when I stitch in the car so I have started a new counted cross stitch picture--a winter sampler by Satsuma Street.  It is not much to look at yet!  The Aida cloth is Cadet blue--much darker than it appears in this picture.  I will try to get a better picture next time. 

A few more outlining stitches were added to the lupins. There was not much time to sit and sew at home this week. 

Finn is telling my daughter that he would rather sit outside than watch her work from home inside!

I will link up with Kathy and Frederique on the weekend. 


  1. Your Churn Dash Crumb blocks turned out gorgeous!!! Love the continuity of the black & white fabrics. Great job!

  2. I love those churn dash blocks, the spotty fabric just POPS with all those other colours.

  3. I love your Churn Dash blocks with the crumb centers! The polka dot fabric is perfect and was well worth piecing to make it work. I'm saving this idea for a future project.

  4. Great job on the churn dash baby quilt. So striking!

  5. I really like the churn dash setting for crumb blocks - they turned out great

  6. I am so stealing this idea! I hope you agree that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery! It’s just a great quilt! Can’t wait to see your next creations!

  7. Love those churn dash blocks with that black and white check. That is a great idea!! One I may need to "borrow" sometime.

  8. Your churn dash blocks with their crumb centers are wonderful, Gail! Such a great way to use up little scraps. I really like how each block has that consistent black and white check in it, too. Isn't it fun to watch the birds nest and raise their babies? I bet those Finn eyes are hard to resist!

  9. Those churn dash blocks are so bright and beautiful! The black and white check fabric was the perfect choice to make your blocks sing! WOW! --TerryK@OnGoingProjects

  10. That black and white fabric really sets of your churn dash blocks do nicely. Did you say you will be making four baby quilts? That will keep you busy.

  11. Oh wow, I love your churn dash blocks, the scrappy center is wonderful and the corners match really nicely the colors. These are going to be lovely baby quilts.

  12. I love the way you're doing those black and white frames around your RSC blocks to unify them! Brilliant! I have never heard of anyone deliberately sewing a quilt block together without bobbin thread as "practice." I don't even know how that would work. Glad you had fun sewing with your guild friends!

  13. Those churn dash blocks are so pretty. I like your lupines progress. I am looking forward to seeing the new stitchery. When I read Bernard the Elf I thought of "The Santa Clause". I think that was the main elf's name. That is so cute.

  14. The black and white print sets off the crumbs in your churn dashes perfectly!

  15. Love the churn dash blocks! Love to see your lupines progress! Happy stitching!

  16. What a fabulous idea to use your 6” crumb blocks as centers for a more complicated and fun block. I’m making 6” crumb blocks this year, too. I was going to make a color column quilt with them, but maybe will “borrow” your idea instead. One less quilt top to finish in the fall if I hold them over and add to them next year!
