Saturday, August 31, 2024

I Won Bobbin Chicken!

I played bobbin chicken this week while sewing the binding on one of my quilts, and I won.  Only a few inches of thread left on the bobbin when I finished sewing!  This quilt is completely done now as I now have the binding hand sewn to the back of the quilt. 

The fox square is done (oops--just noticed the eyes are not stitched yet!)  and I have started the rectangular section above. I did lots of stitching of the light blue border this week too. 

I called my daughter tonight to ask for some pictures of her crochet progress and she sent me this picture of Finn helping her work on her blanket.  He likes to be close to her at all times!

6/42 squares are made for her "fried egg" blanket.  (See last week's post for the explanation about the fried eggs!)

We visited my MIL this week and her yellow hibiscus was in bloom. 

Finn kept occupied one day this week trying to get the treats out of his kong. 

My husband and I took his sister and her husband to a Tigers game in Detroit this week for their birthdays.  We walked by the YMCA where this wonderful public art was on display. 

The Tigers won, 3-2. 

The two mourning dove babies looked quite big this week when I took a peek in their nest.  (You can only see Mom and one baby in this picture) They have fledged now and we can water our droopy fuchsia plant again. It is looking much better!

My husband and I went to the Backus Page House heritage farm show today. I watched the antique threshing machine in action, visited the chickens and took a look at the Farmall tractors. 

I will link up with Kathy and Frederique.  Still lots of secret sewing going on behind the scenes here... To be revealed in a few weeks. 


  1. you always find so many nice places to go - I wish I had that here-but living in the country you don't have access to all of those kinds of places without driving for hours

  2. I love your purple binding and purple thread! And the fox, too - such a neat design. Finn looks like a good stitching companion. I love going to baseball games - so glad they won for you!

  3. Nice progress on cross stitch. Doves are such a sweet, gentle bird. Great photo. It's not the year the Tigers roar, hopefully, the Lions. ;-)

  4. What a great way to spend some of the last days of summer. Your X-stitch is looking good as was that chicken! Lol!

  5. That fox is so cute. It looks like you enjoyed some nice outings this week. Finn looks content.

  6. You won at bobbin chicken! I like your finish! What a fun excursion for the end of summer. --TerryK@OnGoingProjects

  7. Yeah for winning against the bobbin ;)) I love this lime green with purple, wonderful color combo. The little stitched fox looks great, and of course Finn looks cute and adorable as usual ;) It looks like you had a lot of fun visiting and spending time with family. Have a great weekend!
