Today, Christine and I taught a workshop on using selvages. On Wednesday night, we both worked on some samples to show the people who came to the workshop.
Christine finished off her selvage pillow on Thursday and brought it to the workshop today.
selvage snowflakes (from the Q and the U blog)
a selvage thread catcher (Thanks for the pattern, Jacqui), and spool blocks like I made for my Sewing Basket quilt when I was at the Beaver Island Quilt retreat with Gwen Marston in September.
We talked about the endless possibilites for selvage projects and where we get our inspiration... blogs, books, magazines, etc. Any string block can be made with selvages as well.
We had fun and everyone went home with a completed or nearly completed project and lots of ideas and inspiration for more selvage projects.
I can hardly wait for the next guild meeting's show and tell time!
Tonight, my husband is out so I spent the evening pulling fabrics for a surprise project...My focus fabric for this project has outhouses on it!
More pictures to follow. I hope to get this quilt top together this week.
Happy sewing! (and I will try to blog a little more often!)
Thanks again Gail and Christine for a fun and productive day!